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Why Your Business Phone System Needs Mobile Extensions

A business phone system is an important investment that connects you to the outside world. It works together with your high-speed Internet to ensure you’re always in touch with customers.
Although today’s business phone system technology is very advanced, too many systems are limited by the way they are planned and implemented: They just don’t take mobile technology into account as a central, defining element of the phone network.

Every one of your customers and your team members use cell phones: Shouldn’t your office?

The infrastructure of a business phone system should be centralized on the premises, but it’s also critical that all phones take complete advantage of the versatility and flexibility of mobile. How?

The answer is simple: Mobile extensions.

Mobile Extensions Help Your Phone System Move With Your Team’s Needs
Mobile extensions are the key to being “in when you’re out.” No matter where team members go – across the hall or around the world – they can stay completely connected to incoming calls.

There are many ways mobile extensions can work for you:

Cell Phone Extensions
In an optimized phone system, calls never “go nowhere.” Ideally, there should always be a way for callers to connect directly with a qualified representative. Interactive Voice Response is an option, but it should always work with, not against, live contact.

Cell phone extensions are the first step, ensuring calls that reach the office can be seamlessly re-routed to an agent’s cell phone at a moment’s notice. Caller ID, call transfer, and voice mail can all be accessed on the cell phone using a streamlined mobile app.

Voicemail to Email
Voicemail remains a crucial part of your communication strategy, but it’s a potential bottleneck: If voicemails aren’t answered promptly, that oversight can torpedo your efforts. With voicemail to email, you can rest assured that messages are cataloged and waiting for you. You don’t even have to stop and log in to a separate system – just listen to the recording from your favorite email client.

Multi-Line Notifications
Many sales pros make use of multiple lines so they can separate internal and external callers or give key accounts their own extensions. With sophisticated notifications, you can see what’s going on at a glance and hold, transfer, conference, or forward incoming calls. All features are accessible across standard Wi-Fi and LTE networks, so you’re never “out of pocket.”

Atlantic Communications Team Upgrades And Extends Your Business Phone System
The best way to overcome tomorrow’s challenges is to start preparing today. Mobile extensions and other advanced features will equip you to get the most from your workforce anywhere around the globe. The platform is simple and powerful enough to enable you to augment your workforce with offshore personnel, but sophisticated enough for the most senior sales leaders to appreciate.

To find out more or get started, contact Atlantic Communications Team today.